COVID-19 Update

Re-Gathering Plans for August 9th!

July 23, 2020

Dear Friends,

The diocese has just approved our plan for regathering for worship and we look forward to doing so in a way that both honors our spiritual traditions as well as provides the utmost in safety and health protocols. August 9th at 9:30 am will be our first time to regather for Sunday worship.

I know many of you are anxious to see your church family and receive the sacrament of Holy Communion. At the same time, I also know that many remain cautious and are not ready to resume gathering in groups. It is important that each person make their own decision, based on their comfort and risk level, whether it is the right time for them to regather.  

First of all, know that we will continue to offer an online version of worship. Once we start to regather, the online format will change. While we may start online streaming simply, we are also exploring better audio-visual equipment for recording and streaming our services. This will not only be beneficial for this period of dealing with remote worship during the pandemic, but also will strategically situate us for future growth and evangelism in a highly-connected world. So, while our first efforts at streaming our live service may not be as polished as our pre-recorded services currently are, you can expect that we will continue to learn and grow technologically as we share the Good News of Jesus.

Also, once we begin worship, Becki and I will also make ourselves available to bring communion to those of you not yet ready to come to church.  We can do this by household, small group, or meet you or your small group at the church. Please call me to make arrangements. (804-272-0992w / 434-603-1782c)

If you feel ready to join us for in-person worship, here is what you need to know:

·        The sanctuary will be thoroughly cleaned before each service, and volunteers will clean any high touch areas as needed during and after the service.

·        Hand sanitizer stations are available in the narthex and up front before receiving communion. You are invited and encouraged to bring your own hand sanitizer.

·        To attend, you must not have any COVID-19 symptoms and have not knowingly been exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the previous two weeks.

·        You will need to make a reservation. You may do this by:

o   Calling the church office before noon on Thursday (804-272-0992) or

o   Signing up on the Sign Up Genius each week. The link sfor the following week will be sent out in a Monday email, or you can go to and where it says, “Search for a Sign Up by sign up creator's email,” enter Any St. Michael’s Sign ups will show up there.

o   For the sake of evangelism and hospitality, we will be holding 2 slots for guests each week, should we have someone just show up at our front door

·        Based on our polling, we believe we can safely accommodate almost everyone who is ready to start gathering at our one 9:30 am service each week. You will need to give the total numbers of attendees and their names for each reservation.

o   The Sanctuary slots (30) are for household units of 1-3 people. If you have more than 3 people, please reserve 2 slots, and you may all sit together in the same pew. 

o   The Chapel slots (10) are by individual, since only 2 individuals can fit on our 5 available pews with appropriate social distancing. If you have 2-6 persons in your party, reserve 2 slots and you can all sit together in the same pew. 

o   If we run out of room, please add your name to the waiting list. We will contact you if space opens up, and register you first for the following week if you are available. 

o   If we find we continue to have waiting lists, we will move toward a second service.

·        If you have been ill, shown any symptoms of COVID-19, or been around anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 14 days, you should stay home.

·        Note that if someone who attended in-person worship tests positive for COVID-19, we will contact the others at the service. You’ll be asked to self-quarantine for 14 days unless you have a subsequent negative test.

·        Please use the restroom before you leave home to cut down on church usage, but the restrooms are available and a volunteer will sanitize the surfaces in the bathroom between uses.

·        You'll need to wear your face coverings at all times, except when receiving communion.  If you forget your mask, we will have a limited supply available.

·        You will need to keep physically distanced by 6' between family groups, and not pass things between people outside family groups.

·        All worshippers will enter by the front center doors.

·        Please plan to arrive early to help us not be rushed during our check in process.

·        As you arrive, the door will be opened for you, and an usher will take your temperature at your forehead with a no-touch thermometer, and your name checked off the reservation list.

·        A full-service bulletin will be available for pick up at the entrance.

·        An offering plate will also be available on a table at the entrance, or you may continue online or mail in offerings.

·        You will be seated from front to back in the church.

·        You will be released from the back to the front to avoid “traffic jams” in aisles.

·        People will exit on the side aisles and use the side doors to reach the outside. This one-way traffic pattern will help keep us physically distanced.

·        If you wish to socialize after worship, you are welcome to do so, as long as you keep 6’ physical distance between family units and move your conversation out of the walkways where others are trying to exit. (Try the front lawn, memorial garden, area near the parish house, or staying/ returning to your pews which mark the 6’ distance.

·        There will be no refreshments available after the service, though, as always, a paper cup dispenser in the bathroom allows you to get water. You may also bring your own water bottle.

Additionally, if you are able to volunteer as ushers, greeters, or “sanitizers” please call the church office and let us know, since some of our regular volunteers are not yet ready to return in person.

I know these “rules” may seem somewhat antithetical to the warm, open hospitality we normally value, but I believe that by following these guidelines we can still enjoy a joyful and cordial time of fellowship and worship.


The Rev. Dr. Jeunée Godsey