The music ministry of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church provides avenues for people of all ages to enhance worship and community, grow as an artist and offer their talents back to God. Through this program we reach out and minister to those both within and outside the parish of St. Michael’s.

Our choirs are affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music in America (RSCM-A).

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The Gallery Choir is always open to all interested adults and high school students. This choir sings at the principal service of Holy Eucharist each Sunday, from the Sunday following Labor Day through Pentecost Sunday. The Gallery Choir also sings for other services throughout the year such as occasional Evensongs, Advent Lessons and Carols and Hymn Festivals. Rehearsals are each Thursday 7:30 – 9:15 PM.

Schola Cantorum is an auditioned ensemble of singers focusing on choral music more appropriate for small ensembles, especially music of the Renaissance.  Rehearsal times are determined by the group, but usually coincide with the Gallery Choir schedule.

Instrumentalists are welcome (flutists, guitarist, percussionists, brass players, etc) to share their gifts in worship.

About our Organ: Our Taylor and Boody Opus 64 Pipe Organ was custom built and installed in 2010 as the culmination of a major fund-raising effort by the congregation. It is one of the finest instruments in the mid-Atlantic region, and besides being used in worship, is often the showcased in special concerts both sponsored by the church and the American Guild of Organists.

If interested in participating in these musical opportunities for ministry, please contact:

Grant Hellmers, Organist & Choir Director

(804) 272-0992